Want to bring #CallsToEducate to La Guajira?

We are the solution to bring education to the most vulnerable children.

See for yourself by calling 031 580 21 31 option 6 for Wikipedia, 7 for translations.

For every $50.000 you donate you sponsor the education of a Wayuú child in the community of El Manantial Km 5 via Rioacha Valledupar.

At the end of your donation you can request your certificate for income tax deduction.

We seek to rescue the worldview and Wayuu ancestral traditions, through educational lessons mediated by EducALL in order to promote practical strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in 35 students between 4 and 5 of primary school of ethnic communities in the District of Riohacha, community of El Manantial.

Preservation of ancestral knowledge

The contents will be adapted to the Wayuú cosmology and translated into Wayuunaiki.

Vegetable gardens for self-consumption

We seek to improve the food security of communities.

Water purification

Through practical experiments we will teach children how to improve the water they consume.


Thank you for dreaming with us of a more just and educated world.


Elisa Chaparro

Scientelab president

Daena Díaz

Planning Director - JCI Colombia

Norelbis Vargas

Director of Saalewa'in mma school - JCI Wayma

Yubirys González Paz


Holber Rosado Pushaina


Marcela Ovalle

Science Clubs Colombia Instructor

Ana María Pérez

Science Clubs Colombia Instructor

Maria Paula Barbero


Viviana Reyes-Gómez

Science Clubs Colombia Instructor

Paula Estefanía Pérez

Science Clubs Colombia Instructor

Daniel Cuartas

Science Clubs Colombia Instructor

Watler Mercado


Mitzy Barros

JCI Wayma Active Citizen

Wary Arrieta

JCI Wayma Active Citizen

Tatiana Vanegas

Bilingual Science Teacher

Natalia Morales

Government and international relations

María José Escobar

Government and international relations

Do you want to support us?

Your input is very important! Can you help us educate those in need?

Would you like to receive a tax-deductible donation certificate? Support us with more than 200.000 COP

Support us to reach our goal of 5.000.000 COP
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